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San Diego Marine Exchange

Tie Balls & Rope Hangers

Tie Balls, AKA Parrel Beads, are a great way to terminate your sailboat's control lines and to provide a good grip for pulling. Parrel Beads can also be used in sail handling applications. They can be wired together with a stainless steel thimble at each end, wrapped around a furled genoa, and then shackled to the tack of a cruising spinnaker to ease in the raising and lowering of the latter.

Use Handi-Hangers to organize lines, fenders and hoses. They can be rail-mounted or fastened to a bulkhead or other flat, vertical surface.

Schaefer Handi-Hangers - Pair
Item # 201744
Tylaska Dogbone - Stainless Steel
Item # 900217
Ronstan Tie Balls
Item # WRTBL
Starting from $2.703
Seasure Parrel Beads
Item # WSPBS